We recognize how important your personal data is. When you use our services, you place your trust in us. We are fully aware of this responsibility and take great care to protect your information. You will notice that within the ScadaWatt ecosystem, we strive to avoid collecting personal information beyond what is necessary. Below, we will share some details about the information we are required to collect and why. Information Generated While Using Our Services Your IP Address Every modem capable of connecting to the internet is assigned a string of numbers known as an Internet Protocol (IP) address by your Internet Service Provider. These number strings are assigned within geographic blocks. By examining an IP address, your location can only be approximately determined at the city or district level. However, we use your IP address solely for the purposes required by our security algorithms. For example, when an incorrect login occurs, we will use it to recognize you and prevent you from being logged out of the system. Additionally, if there is an unauthorized attempt to access your system, we use the IP address to log the identity of the individual responsible and, if necessary, provide evidence to official state authorities. Name and Surname This is information that identifies you. We use it in listing processes for your system administrators and to greet you in SMS and email texts. Phone and Email Address In some situations, we may need to send you an SMS or email. Examples include alarm situations and end-of-day production reports. For this reason, you can enter or remove your phone number and email address in the system at your discretion. Any phone number or email address you delete will be immediately removed from the system in a way that cannot be recovered. They will not be shared with any other institutions. Sometimes, we may need to issue an important announcement. In such cases, we may send you an SMS or email, or even call you directly via a representative to reach you as quickly as possible. Mobile Device Information Apart from your personal information, we also care about the security of your production plants. Therefore, for users who have significant authority that could affect plant production, we record certain information about your mobile devices. We ensure that every action is performed by the ‘same and trusted mobile device.’ Even if you lose your account credentials, you will not be granted access to your account from a different device unless you register it as a ‘trusted device.’ The information required for this security algorithm includes: i) Device Manufacturer ii) Device Model iii) Unique Identifier: This is a string of characters that can be used to uniquely identify your device. It can be used for security and fraud detection. These unique identifiers (sometimes referred to as UUIDs) may be shared with us by your device manufacturer. IMEI numbers are an example of this and are unique to each device. Data Collected from Sites ScadaWatt devices collect information from the site through various methods, temporarily store it internally, and transmit it to our servers located in highly secure data centers in Turkey for permanent storage and analysis. Based on the data collected from the site, we provide performance analyses, alarm monitoring, production-consumption comparisons, and live online monitoring for your plants. The data collected and stored from the site includes: i) General Facility Information ii) General Inverter Information iii) Inverter Real-Time Production Information iv) Inverter Status and Alarm Information v) Electric Grid Voltage-Frequency Information vi) Facility's Produced-Consumed Current Information vii) Facility's Frequency Synchronization Information viii) Weather Data for the Facility's Location ix) Time and Personnel Information for Personnel Attendance Tracking Systems x) General Information on Production Equipment Used in the Facility (e.g., solar panels). All of this information can be viewed from our user interfaces and can be permanently deleted if desired. However, recording this data is essential for increasing our clients' profits and protecting the public. Without retaining this data, artificial intelligence algorithms cannot function, and performance analyses and alerts cannot be generated. Communication Security ScadaWatt devices are equipped with a private network that allows them to collect data from the local network and send it to our data centers. To enable this, we use a Virtual Private Network (VPN). ScadaWatt devices cannot connect to any site over the internet, so they are not vulnerable to threats like viruses, and they do not endanger the network they are connected to. Our VPN uses UDP and TCP data transfer protocols, SSL for secure socket layers, TLS 1.2 for transmission layer security, and 256-bit OpenSSL for encryption and authentication certificates. The passwords used to access our cloud systems are never stored in their raw form. Your passwords are encrypted using the RSA3-512-bit algorithm, making them irretrievable, and stored securely. We use information to improve the security and reliability of our services, protecting ScadaWatt, our users, our clients, and the public. This includes detecting, preventing, and responding to technical issues and security risks that could harm ScadaWatt, our users, our clients, or the public. Using the above-mentioned data with our algorithms, we do everything we can to protect you and the public electric grid. Legal Proceedings or Applicable Official Requests In line with our sensitivity to the security and privacy of our users' and clients' information, our legal team reviews every request, regardless of type, and often responds negatively when a request appears overly broad or does not follow the correct procedure.